Unbeknown to us the Lapu Lapu 2 Ward had conducted a SGMB group with devotional and all without any notification given to us. It wasn't until Mary Ann got the request for the graduation certificates that we even knew a graduation was going to take place. This is becoming more and more the norm so I guess we can say kudos, we have done our job in training our wards to be somewhat self sufficient.
We made sure that we attended the graduation to represent the Self-Reliance Manager and Missionaries.
What can I say that hasn't already been said about the Forgotten Carols except that confusion and change seems to be a daily occurrence. Still haggling as to where the production will be staged, another change has been presented for discussion. Last night at practice a group of the cast decided that the production should be done in the Stake Center Chapel rather than the cultural hall. There was quite a discussion both pro and con but it sounded like after all that was said the Chapel is the chosen spot - at least for now. We will meet as a committee tonight Sunday Dec 6th for the final decision and to hopefully finalize the remainder of the budgeting.
Christmas is in the air and has been for about 45 days here in the Philippines. It is no stranger to us we experienced nearly the same in South Africa, Christmas with NO SNOW, NO COLD WEATHER. However, they put up the decorations like everywhere else around the world, but here they decorate in September!
We got out our decorations that were left behind by other missionaries and put them out for Christmas.
Well, there you have it one scrimpy little not so decorated tree with no lights, just a few ornaments. It is so reminiscing of our very first Christmas back in 1970 in our little apartment except this tree has considerable more ornaments than our first tree did. Christmas will still be Christmas without the big tree, all the lights and fan-fare because we will celebrate this Christmas with thanksgiving and deep love for the Savior and all he has bestowed upon us and our dear family. What greater gift could we have than our love for the Savior and children and grandchildren who are faithful in their testimonies and devotions to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
Monday December 7th we had our Staff Christmas Party. Mary Ann was adamant that we have a party, mostly for the OJTs who have so little and don't get opportunities for outings like this. It was at the Cebu Westown Lagoon Hotel and Resort.
Sitting in the middle of the industrial area of Cebu is this hotel and water activity resort. So out of place for the surroundings as it is booked in between shipping containers stacked on one side and old warehouses on the other. Regardless, the facilities were very nice, too bad the same could not be said about the service or the food.
During the swimming time for the OJTs and Mary Ann's children we held a make shift Staff meeting to cover what Mary Ann received in Manila last week. After our meeting and everybody returned from swimming we gathered for games, dinner and sharing gifts with each other before going home. .
Monday December 13th was a day filled to its capacity. Up at 6AM to get ready to be to the Stake Center by 7;30am to set up for our Returning Missionary Career Workshop. We had 41 Elders and Sisters attend this workshop. As always if was a fun filled 4.5 hours training them on career searching skills. In closing, I take about 15 minutes tto express our love for them and to talk about their return home and how important it is for them to attend the temple one or twice a month to keep their spirit and to ward off the mortal temptations that will face them after their release.
We so love doing this career workshop with the full time missionaries. In fact Sister McCurdy commented to us (WITH TEARS IN HER EYES) the other day just how thankful she and President McCurdy are for everything we are doing during the workshop. She indicated that many of those missionaries who attend express to her how much they enjoyed the workshop and how inspiring and life-changing my presentation is. She said, "whatever you are doing KEEP doing it. The missionaries are so impressed and inspired by you - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
That comment has in and of itself made my mission complete. We so love the missionaries and this workshop gives us the only time to be involved with missionaries and to hopefully make an impact in their lives. We give THANKS to HEAVENLY FATHER FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY.
Then we went right into the cultural hall where the annual Cebu Temple Christmas Devotional and Party was taking place. Due to our workshop we missed the devotional but got in at the end of lunch just in enough time to get a little bite to eat. After lunch it was time for the entertainment. There were about 10 different numbers from the temple workers, the temple Missionaries and the Presidency. Jenee and I sang "The Twelve Day After Christmas" which was a hit among the +200 who were in attendance.
The Temple Missionaries as a group sang a couple of songs. Elder Schofield sang a couple of numbers then there were numerous acts from the local temple ordinance workers. All in all it was a wonderful event.
At 2:30 pm they started the gift exchange. For the next 30 minutes the Temple Presidency and their wives passed out gifts so that everybody got something and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.
We really love our new Presidency and they were very generous to all with this very nice day.
THE FORGOTTEN CAROLS - It has finally arrived, December 19th, the night of the first presentation of "The Forgotten Carols."
It was once again at the last minute decided to change the venue. This time going from the chapel back to the original sight - the cultural hall. We showed up at 6 PM for practice to discover that all the chapel benches had been moved into the cultural hall. Just seeing those seats brought a glimmer of hope. Annie the Sister who abandoned the production several weeks ago returned and took charge again and things began to develop and move in a positive direction despite the controversy.
Last night the sound people were present setting up the sound system as well as the video prompter for the actors. If you would have asked me two weeks ago if this was going to happen I would have said "NO" but after last night I think I will hold my final opinion until after tonight's production. I will certainly have to say that my feelings and skepticism is beginning to change and hopefully I will be proven wrong as to my first opinion weeks ago.
Well, tonight's production went off great. I gave it an 8 out of 10. Too bad some of the head mic's did not work at the beginning and it took the sound people about 30 minutes to get it corrected. Some of the prop changes were mixed up, some of the scenes did not come off well; the prompter did not function properly and one of the songs (Homeless Quartet) was below average, along with some of the lines either forgotten or misplaced.
Jenee was so worried about her accompanying on the piano that she asked me to give her a blessing before she left for practice. I have to say that if there was one thing that made the performance 100% it had to be her piano playing for the choir and the singers. They took the electric piano out of the chapel and connected it to the sound system on the stage. The quality of the sound that came out of the piano was superb in every way and sounded like an orchestra was in the room! She was so grateful for the blessing she said, it made all the difference for her and her perfect performance her husband thought!
Here are a few of the pictures I took of the production showing the main characters
The Forgotten Carols Accomplished Accompanist |
All in all I think everybody came away feeling pleased with the outcome of The Forgotten Carols, both nights, regardless of all the set backs, and frustrations that occurred.
Sunday was our ward Christmas program which the choir presented. Our little ward choir is a makeshift choir but is one of the strongest choirs in the Stake. We are always being asked to sing at church events. Here is a picture of our little Mabolo Ward Choir.

Christmas in the Philippines like many foreign countries has it own ways to celebrating the holiday. Here in the Philippines it all begins on Christmas Eve, with everybody getting out their karaoke machines and singing throughout the night. Music could be heard all the way up to 2 AM, along with the music was a night of fireworks. You would have thought that it was July 4th back home with all the popping and banging of fireworks. We have been told that this pattern will continue up to New Years Eve so I guess we have seven days of music and fireworks to serenade us to sleep.
MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Philippines. Yep, our first and only Christmas in the Philippines. Jenee and I exchanged our gift to each other to celebrate the occasion. Jenee got a new watch that she has do desperately needed and I got a new pair of brown dress shoes.
We will spend Christmas day just resting, looking at videos the Collet kids sent and getting ready for a Christmas Dinner with the Temple Missionaries later this evening. We are convening at the Park Lane Hotel at 6:00 PM for their annual Christmas Buffet. This has been a tradition for the missionaries so we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with friends.
Here are some pictures of our evening with the Temple Missionaries.
The day after Christmas we got up early - 5 AM so we could face-time all the kids who were meeting at Tamara's house. Had a fun time seeing all the kids and grandkids and to hear about all they got for Christmas. Santa seemed to have found everybody's house last night. Travis and Sommer used their holiday money last summer to get the back yard done so it was a gift that keeps on giving. The boys got some toys - big trucks and trains. Everybody seemed happy and ready to enjoy a Christmas dinner together. Yep, it snowed over night so they showed it to us!
We then face timed the Watsons and spoke with them for a while. So great to be there but not there, yet still able to enjoy it with our family even though miles away.
Monday evening the 28th President & Sister McCurdy invited all the Senior Couples to dinner to celebrate Christmas. After eating he presented to each couple a hand carved wood plaque of the Cebu Temple with our names carved on it. What a wonderful gesture. It has been a joy serving with the McCurdy's.
President & Sister McCurdy |
Thursday is New Years Eve day and we have been invited to join with the Temple missionaries to travel to the other side of the island and go on the Bojo River Cruise. There were 17 of us traveling in two vans. We left the Patron Housing at 7 am for a day seeing area and historic sights, followed by lunch then a paddle boat cruise down the Bojo River to the ocean. Upon arriving at the mouth of the river those who wanted to snorkel for 1hour and you guessed it, Jenee joined in on this activity and had a great time. She could NOT pass up the chance to be in the ocean! After the river trip we had a rather tasty, late Filipino lunch, then went to the Farm House for desserts. The Farm House is an organic farm and organic pig farm that we did not know existed. I spoke to the caretaker to discover they train local people how to raise pigs organically and would be more than happy to help our members. We need to find at least five families who have pig pens or want to build such to introduce them to this farm. They do not charge for the training which is nice. The members could use the PEF-ABEL to build the pig pen and buy the initial 10 piglets. I will let Sister Darby know of what we found here in her Cebu mission area. This will be the last hurrah for 2015.Here are a few pictures of this adventure.
We got home at about 7:30. We tried to get to bed early as we were tired but at about 11:45 the evening burst open with fireworks that you would not believe. The music has been going on all evening but when the fireworks started it was like Sugar House Park all over Cebu. There are no restriction on fireworks for local people so everybody was out and for 30 minutes in any direction you looked the sky was bursting with all kinds of fantastic displays. It was something to behold no matter where you looked, huge displays were going off.
The year has come to a close which means we have just 3.5 months before we leave for home. All of our flight arrangements have been made, etc.
Is this picture showing our happiness due to our service here in Cebu Philippines or our happiness that we are close to going home? You decide for yourself, I say BOTH!!
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